dimanche 17 octobre 2010


Sorry guys, I have a lot of work to do so I'm posting less than usual.
I'll try to post more after the rush is over. One picture of my last holiday in Bosnia.

Sarajevo: view from the twist Avaz tower.

15 commentaires:

  1. Beautiful. Thats a wonderful view. :D

  2. very nice looking city

  3. i love these kinds of picture, where you can see an entire city all lit up. Its really beautiful

  4. probably already said it but I need to point you out to my wife, i love looking at fotos but taking them ... my skillz SUCK. my wife now can take some awesome fotos. also dont know if you have seen this guy or if maybe you already follow him but you may want to take a look at ... http://cephaloparty.blogspot.com/ ... hes got some cool shots too. between the 2 of you im so envious :>

  5. Thats definitively not what comes to mind when I think Bosnia

  6. City of lights! At least according to this pic ^^

  7. Nice pic, look forward to more posts
